OK, and here comes the "constructive" criticism part:
1. The last one didn't work. Do we really need a "preview" for the new one?
2. Why is the frame-rate so low? We in the year 2008. There's no need for Flash animations to be stuck at 12FPS anymore.
3. Use a different font. Times New Roman, in case you haven't noticed, is one of the ugliest fonts in existence. Try Arial, Helvetica... Hell, Comic Sans, even.
4. Don't use solid colors. I mean solid red, blue, green... And, good god, down with death magenta.
5. One word of advice, referring to your last version, don't just draw a box, click the gradient fill tool and say f&^$ it!
Hopefully, version 2 WILL be better than version 1 which, as I mentioned, doesn't even work.